Hello World

Apparently this is the first post of my most recent attempt to create a blog. Some of you might still know my old blog, filled with personal and tech content, which was scrambled up by trying to migrate its content between several blogging platforms. This attempt aims to be a bit more professional. Maybe. Maybe not, because i still like to tinker around, so expect this blog to break, be abandoned, or simply be deleted sometime....

February 15, 2022 · 1 min · Simon Szustkowski

A Sane Way to Handle Zettelkasten Ids in Obsidian

I am using Obsidian as my personal knowledge management/external brain tool. In the past with PARA as the way to organize notes, which was not really satisfying. I ended up with lots of subfolders and always struggled with the question where to sort notes in. So, a plain folder structure was the way to go. Everything inside, and organize with the link/graph which is one of Obsidian’s key feature. Only problem arousing from that?...

February 14, 2022 · 4 min · Simon Szustkowski